Like graphene, single layer h-BN (SBN) crystalizes in 2D hexagonal lattice with alternating boron (B) and nitrogen (N) atoms, featuring ultrahigh strength (~100 GPa) and elastic modulus (~0.8 TPa). We verify th
at h-BN is the toughest 2D material by both experimental observations and theoretical predictions. SBN is shown to be intrinsically tough due to its asymmetric lattice structure, exhibiting repeated occurrences of crack deflection and branching along its crack path.
Since h-BN has always been considered an ideal dielectric substrate for graphene-based or TMD-based electronics, the ultrahigh toughness of h-BN provides one more reason to integrate a layer of this material into these heterostructures because it could provide additional mechanical protection for such 2D devices.
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